
Function used in mission creation.

Represents a teleport destination, accessed to teleport triggers

For room instanciation problems, here is a rule of thumb : “there must be one destination per room in a building, but the system automatically declines them by player and by guild”


name : name of the destination. 2 destination CANNOT SHARE THE SAME NAME.

type :

bots : name of the bots to spawn in a newly created instance of the destination ( does not work with Uninstanciated ).

exit : name of a teleport destination. Used to force the player to get out of a building ( needed for all types except Uninstanciated, does not work with Uninstanciated )

teleport_pets : if checked, player pets will be teleported ( works only with Uninstanciated )

place_name : name of the destination in the list

icon : icon to display in the destination list

teleport_zone : name of a teleport_zone structures, used to know the physical coords of the destination

restriction : if a player does not match the restrictions, he cannot teleport to the destination. Supported values are :