Inheritance is an essential notion in the creation of a set of DS, to avoid repeating itself. This makes it possible to inherit characteristics of a parent DS, and even to rewrite on some, and even to make it possible not specifying “everything again” when we realize a set of DS have common characteristics.
For example, imagine an object my object
that can have four characteristics A, B, C and D, having between 0 and 10 as values.
One could have:
A = 2 B = 3 C = 4 D = 5
A = 2 B = 3 C = 4 D = 9
One sees that A, B and C are identical in the two different objects, one could thus simplify the task by making a parent DS:
A = 2 B = 3 C = 4
Then we call it the other two:
parent = my_object D = 5
parent = my_object D = 9
In addition to not allowing repeating itself, it allows to pass on any change in a “parent” to all of his/her children.
One can nevertheless decide to specify a difference(with respect to the “parent”), which makes it possible to modify a common characteristic.
parent = my_object B = 7 D = 5
In DS, parenting is done through the call:
<PARENT Filename="xxxx.sitem"/>
It is advisable to organize the DS nomenclature in order to be able to identify it quickly, and also to quickly identify a parent of a complete card.. by doing it like this:
This lets you know which parameters are populated and which ones are absent if the nomenclature is explicit.
Of course, a parent DS can call one or more parents, etc.
Attention to inheritances in cascade(as in CSS).