Located in: DFN/game_elem/_brick
Document generated automatically by script, please document it
Selection list(based on _brick_families.typ)
Selection list(based on _position_in_family.typ)
Selection list(based on _brick_energy_type.typ)
<ELEMENT Name = "Cost" Type = "Type" Filename = "formulae.typ" Default = "0.1 *" HP Default "
Whole number
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Number to comma
Example: 1.0
Based on float.typ
Number to comma
Example: 1.0
Based on float.typ
boolean | Default = false
Example: False
Based on boolean.typ
Number to comma
Example: 1.0
Based on float.typ
boolean | Default = false
Example: False
Based on boolean.typ
Number to comma
Example: 1.0
Based on float.typ
Whole number
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Whole number
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Whole number
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Selection list(based on _skills.typ)
Selection list(based on _characteristic.typ)
Selection list(based on _specialized_skills.typ)
Example: machainedecaracteres
Based on string.typ
Example: False
Based on boolean.typ
Whole number
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Selection list(based on _brick_type.typ)
Example: False
Based on boolean.typ
Selection list(based on _action_nature.typ)
Selection list(based on _brick_power.typ)
boolean | Default = true
Example: False
Based on boolean.typ
Number with comma | Default = 1.0
Example: 1.0
Based on float.typ
Integer | Default = 0
Example: 1
Based on int.typ
Selection list(based on _suffix_type.typ)
<ELEMENT Name="Minimum fame" Type="Type" Filename="int.typ" Default="-600000"/>