====== First steps ====== Don’t hesitate to participate in the wiki(if you have the knowledge). Whether it is for correcting mistakes in articles, refining the articles, rewriting them, reorganizing them or even creating new ones. ===== Register to modify ===== You’ll need to register to be able to modify things in the wiki. It’s really simple: it’s on the right top of the page! Since anti-bots filters aren’t active, writing rights will be given by an administrator. In case of problem, wake up YannK or Zatalyz on the [[en:irc|IRC]] or send them a message on the [[kh>forum/index.php|forum]]. ===== Creating an article ===== The whole process is described [[en:wikitools:redac:1erarticle|here]]. ===== Modifying an article ===== Just click on the « modify » or « edit » button(depending on the template). It’s a pencil icon on the righthand line or a tab at the top of the article. ===== The wiki syntax ===== Dokuwiki makes it a lot simpler to learn the syntax, thanks to its integrated editor. If you want to know everything about it, just go [[doku>wiki:syntax|here!]]. All possible links in Khaganat are listed in [[en:wikitools:syntaxe:interwiki|Interwiki]]. Some plugins also add options in the syntax. The plugins list is available [[fr:wikitools:fonctionnalite|here]] but for details on the syntax, everything has been gathered in this [[en:wikitools:syntaxe:base|category]]. One useful and important thing: when creating a link towards another Khaganat wiki, use an interwiki link rather than a basic one. The small icon before the link will be different, and it’s more beautiful! But, moreover, if we’ve got to move the wikis on another server, it will help a lot. [[mkh>en:start|The Mediateki]], [[wkh>en:khaganat:1erpas|First steps on the Wikhan]], [[um1>en:start|The Unity of Memory 1]], [[kh>en|The home page]]. [[mkh>en:start|The Mediateki]], [[wkh>en:khaganat:1erpas| First steps on the Wikhan]], [[um1>en:start| The Unity of Memory 1]], [[kh>en|The home page]]. ===== To do more ===== Everything is under construction, even the tutorials ((And it doesn’t event consider the translations...)). If you have the trouble finding something OR if you’re still looking on where to go OR how to do something, add a message behind this article(yes, yes, edit it, don’t be afraid ;-) ) {{tag>Syntaxe Tutoriel}}