====== NeL Terminology ====== The NeL system engine uses several types of files for it's needs. Here is a list of them taken from [[https://web.archive.org/web/20040803071310/http://www.nevrax.org/docs/nel_extensions.php3|Nevrax wiki]] * //build_gamedata// : automatic fully incremental batch process that produce final compiled data from top most working data. * **WK** : WORKING DATA : This data is a file edited by the artists. It will not be in client final data. This data is an input data for the build_gamedata process. * **RT** : RUNTIME DATA : This data is generated by build_gamedata. It is not edited by the artists. It will be included in client final data. * **WR** : WORKING and RUNTIME DATA : This data is a file edited by the artists but it will be included in final data. Build_gamedata will only copy it. * **TP** : TEMPORARY DATA : This data is produce by build_gamedata to build another kind of data. This data is not edited by the artists and not included in final data. ^Extension^Type^Comment^ |.anim|RT|NeL 3d animations. Contains several named animation tracks. Generated from .max files by build_gamedata. Viewable in object_viewer. **Readable by NeL**.| |.bank|WK|NeL tile bank. Bank of bitmap tiles used by the landscape. Edited by the artists with tile_edit.exe. build_gamedata generates .smallbank with it. Only one bank file per landscape. **Readable by NeL**.| |.cfg|RT|Configuration file used by NLMISC::CConfigFile class. Used to set user parameters for NeL applications.| |.clodbank|RT|Character LOD bank using 3d sprit objects (quake 1 like) to be quickly draw and animated when far away. Generated from .max files by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| |.cmb|TP|Simple geometry dump used by build_gamedata to compute surfaces for interior collision meshes. Exported from .max files. **Not readable by NeL**.| |.dds|RT|Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) format is used to store textures and cubic environment maps with mipmaps. It compress textures in a hardware friendly format. Generated from .tga files by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| |.farbank|RT|NeL far bank. Bank of bitmap used by the landscape to map patches when far away. Generated by build_gamedata from .tga tiles and the bank file. Only one farbank file per landscape. **Readable by NeL**.| |.gr|RT|Instances of local retrievers. Used for NeL 3d collisions. **Readable by NeL**.| |.ig|RT|NeL 3d Instance Group. Contains a list of instanced stuffs in a landscape (a shape reference with a matrix) (optinal), a list of lights (optinal) and a cluster system description (optinal). It is generated by build_gamedata from .max files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.lr|TP|Temporary landscape zone surface file produced during by build_gamedata from a .tessel file. Used to build .gr and .rbank files. **Not readable by NeL**.| |.max|WK|3dsmax file format. Used to produce .anim, .clodbank, .cmb, .ig, .pacs_prim, .shape, .skel, .swt, .zone files. NeL can't direclty read it. build_gamedata exports those files using 3dsmax scripts and plugins.| |.pacs_prim|RT|Set of PACS primitive (Box or cylinder description with size, radius, height, position and PACS properties). Generated from .max file by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| |.ps|WK|NeL 3d particule system. This file is edited with object_viewer.exe. **Readable by NeL**. In fact, .ps are .shape files.| |.rbank|RT|Retrievers Bank. It is the bank of collision zones used by NEL::PACS. Generated by build_gamedata from .lr files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.shape|RT|NeL 3d object used to store a 3d mesh. It can be a simple mesh, skinned mesh, a multilod mesh, a lensflare, a remanence mesh, a water mesh, a particul system. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.skel|RT|NeL 3d skeleton description used to deform skinned shapes using .anim. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.smallbank|RT|Same file than .bank but some informations have been removed to get a smaller runtime file. Generated by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| |.swt|RT|NeL 3d file that contains weight for skeleton animation. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.tessel|TP|Temporary landscape zone tesselation file produced during the build_gamedata process with a .zone and its neighbors. Used to generate .lr files. Very Hugh zone tesselation dump. (at 0.5 meter). Not used in final data. **Not readable by NeL**.| |.tga|WK/RT|Targa Truevision Graphics bitmap file format. Edited by artists. Format RGBA 16 and 32 bits uncompressed, RGB 24 bits uncompressed readable by NeL. This file format is used by build_gamedata to generate .dds files. It is used to as runtime data for bitmap that doesn't need to be 'dds' compressed. (Like displacement tiles).| |.veget|RT|Vegetable file. This file is a simple mesh with only few polygons used like a blade of grass by a vegetset. Generated from .max files by build_gamedata.| |.vegetset|WK|Vegetable set file. This file describe a micro-vegetation material. It can be edited with object_viewer.exe. It can be assigned to a lanscape tileset (in bank file) using tile_edit.exe.| |.zone|TP|NeL landscape zone made of patches of 160 x 160 meters generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Used by build_gamedata to produce .zonew files. **Readable by NeL**.| |.zonew|TP|Same file than .zone but welding informations with neighbors has been computed by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| |.zonel|RT|Same file than zonel but lighing informations have been computed by build_gamedata. **Readable by NeL**.| {{tag>NeL graphisme}}