====== Graphics ======
{{ fr:analyse_pendo_0.jpg?direct&450 }}
**Les sources**
[[en:tag:informatique:ryzom_core:start|General information and details about the data architecture and our repositories where everything resides]].
===== General information =====
* [[en:concepts_arts|The concept arts]]
* [[en:les_materiaux_nel|The NeL materials]]
* [[en:organization_dossier| Organization of graphics data on the server]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:naming_conventions|naming conventions for the graphic files within the project]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:modeling|Basic modeling information for NeL3D]] <-- Does not exist!!
===== Tutorials =====
* [[en:design_and_preparation_of_ environmental_textures|Environmental textures for NeL3D]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:tools_texture|Texture manipulation tools]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:tuto_creer_des_textures_dessinees_pour_des_batiments|Draw textures]]
* [[en:links_textures_dessinées|Link to web resources on drawn textures]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:creer_background_lancement|Ryzom Core client wallpaper]]
* [[en:creer_icone_objet|Creating an Ryzom Core client interface icon]]
* [[en:import_nel|Import a NeL3D .shape file into Blender]]
* [[en:optimiser_image_web|Optimize an image for the web]]
* [[en:design_and_modelisation_de_la_flore|Design and development of the flora]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:creation_d_un_objet_prehensible_en_jeu|Creation of a prehensible object]]
* [[en:plush|Put a "prehensile plush" in the game]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:multitexturing|Multitexturing under NeL3D]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:texture_with_specular|Specular textures under Nel3D]] <-- Does not exist!!
* [[en:texture_seamless_inkscape|How to easily make tileable textures with Inkscape]]
===== Articles =====
This is an automatic list of all the items bearing the tag: **Graphisme**