====== Complex item declaration ======
Rules and information used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]].
===== Item declaration in a string format =====
Some parameters require a complex declaration with a couple or triplet of elements, like a kill that focuses on killing an amount of members of a specific faction.
In that case, you set the parameters in the order indicated by the name of the parameter, separated by a blank.
\\ You want the player to kill 5 members of the dead_seeds:
\\ Faction/quantity: **dead_seeds 5**
You can also use variables with the same result
\\ Faction/quantity: **$faction_to_kill$ $body_count$**
===== Item declarations in an array format =====
Some instructions require complex item declaration in an array format like item/quantity/quality for a craft_item objective for example.
In opposition to plain text, this kind of declaration has to be done on a single line for each entry, each element separated by blanks and with a simple carrier return at the end of the line, before you start entering information describing other items.
\\ You want the player to craft 3 different types of items
\\ **
You want the player to kill 2 different types of fauna creatures
\\ **
{{tag>primitives ryzom_core}}