====== EGS commands ====== The "egs commands"(in egs screen) of the shard are mainly composed of variables for the game. The "help command" gives you the following list: * **0 AllowAnimalInventoryAccessFromAnyStable **: If true a player can access to his animal inventory (if the animal is inside a stable) from any stable over the world * **1 AllowCharsFromAllSessions **: (!IsRingShard only) (For mainland shard) If the stored session id does not match the FixedSessionId: 0: teleport to the stored session id; 1: let the character play anyway, but leave the stored session id unchanged; 2: assig * **2 AllowPVP **: AllowPVP * **3 AnimalHungerFactor **: Number of satiety points decreased per tick for each m/tick above the walk speed * **4 AnimalSellFactor **: factor to apply on animal price to get the price a user can buy them * **5 AnimalStopFollowingDistance **: When a follower mektoub get further than this distance (in m) from his target, he stops * **6 AppliedChargeMaxCount **: max number of charge a guild can apply for * **7 AreaEffectClipDistance **: above this value (in mm) we clip vertical range to 'AreaEffectClipVerticalRange' millimeters * **8 AreaEffectClipVerticalRange **: vertical range of area effects when area effect range is below 4-5meters (see 'AreaEffectClipDistance') * **9 ArmorWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Armor (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **10 AurasUpdateFrequency **: update frequency of auras effects (to determine which entities are affected for instance) (in ticks) * **11 AutoSpawnForageSourcePeriodOverride **: Average time in ticks between two auto-spawns of forage source in a deposit with auto-spawn enabled (set to 0 to use deposit settings instead) * **12 AutolauchWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Autolauch (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **13 AxeWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Axe (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **14 BaseGuildBulk **: base bulk for a new guild building * **15 BaseMaxCarriedWeight **: max weight in grammes a player can have on him if his strength is 0 * **16 BasePlayerRoomBulk **: Maximum bulk a player can have in his room * **17 BotDamageFactor **: Factor applied on all Bots (creature and npcs) damage * **18 BowpistolWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Bowpistol (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **19 BowrifleWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Bowrifle (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **20 BuildSpireActive **: Activate build spire * **21 ChaScore **1RatioPerSourceLifeImpact: Ratio of ChaScore1 damaged per source life (D) impact value * **22 CharacterLoadPerTick **: Number of character file loaded during the current tick * **23 CharacterSavePerTick **: Number of character file saved during the current tick * **24 CharacteristicBrickStep **: characteristic brick progression step(brick xxxx05 match a charac value of characteristic 5*CharacteristicBrickStep) * **25 CheckCharacterVisitPlacePeriodGC **: Game cycle frequency for the check visit place mission routine * **26 ClearAttackFlags **: teampraire !! * **27 ClientNPCIconRefreshTimerDelay **: Max number of gamecycles between 2 refreshes of a single mission giver NPC * **28 CombatFlagLifetime **: time *in ticks* during which a combat flag is kept 'active' * **29 CommaDelayBeforeDeath **: Comma time in server tick before a character dead * **30 CompassTargetUpdateFrequency **: update frequency of the compass target position (in ticks) * **31 CorrectInvalidPlayerPositions **: If true, invalid player positions will be corrected if when a player logs in * **32 CraftFailureProbaMpLost **: Probability de destruction de chaque MP en cas d'echec du craft * **33 CraftSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the CraftSystem * **34 CraftingToolWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for CraftingTool (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **35 CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue **: create Character Start skills value * **36 CristalMoneyFactor **: factor to apply on a cristallisation spell sabrina cost to get the cost in money * **37 CriticalHitChances **: chances (in%) to make a critical hit during a combat action (5 means 5%) * **38 DaggerWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Dagger (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **39 DamageStep **: Damage step, used by weapon damage table * **40 DataPersistsAsText **: If true Persistant data will be stored as text * **41 DeathGooDistance **: the distance when character take 100% damage from goo path * **42 DeathPenaltyMinLevel **: No death penalty if best skill value is lesser than DeathPenaltyMinLevel * **43 DeathXPFactor **: XP to gain after a death is DeathXPFactor * max skill /(1 + death index ) * **44 DeathXPResorptionTime **: XP resorbs totally after DeathXPResorptionTime / NbDeath * **45 DefaultInterShardExchangeLevelCap **: Default level limit for shards if no limit is explicitly specified * **46 DefaultUpdatePeriod **: default update period of link spells * **47 DefaultWeightHands **: Weight of hands for calculate ChaScore2 consumed by action for handed fight * **48 DelayBeforeItemTP **: delay between item use and teleportation * **49 DelayBetweenAttackMessage **: Number of tick between each message about spire attacked * **50 DeltaTickMustBeApplyForWindermeerCommunityMerge **: Delta tick between the 2 server before the merge * **51 DepositUpdateFrequency **: update frequency of deposits (in ticks) * **52 DisablePVPChallenge **: If true PVP challenge is disabled * **53 DisablePVPDuel **: If true PVP duel is disabled * **54 DissableDPInRing **: Enable or dissable DP system in the Ring (should be dissabled unless this provokes bugs * **55 DodgeFactorForForageSkills **: Factor aplied on forage skill values to determine the equivalent for dodge * **56 DodgeFactorForMagicSkills **: Factor aplied on magic skill values to determine the equivalent for dodge * **57 DuelQueryDuration **: duration in ticks of a duel requests * **58 DumpRangeAnalysis **: debug dump for range combat * **59 EGSLight **: Load EGS with a minimal set of feature loaded * **60 EasterEggChestSheet **: name of the sheet for easter egg chest * **61 EaterEggBagSheet **: name of the sheet for easter egg bag * **62 EcosystemResistancePenalty **: Resistance Penalty gived by each ecosystem * **63 EnableOutpostDrillerMPGeneration **: Set if the outpost drillers generate mps or not * **64 EnchantSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the EnchantSystem * **65 EntitiesNoActionFailure **: hange or just display the NoActionFailure flag - true means no failure * **66 EntitiesNoCastBreak **: change or just display the NoCastBreak flag - true means no cast break when hit * **67 EntitiesNoResist **: change or just display the NoResist flag - true means no target resist * **68 EquipTimeFactor **: * **69 EventChannelHistoricSize **: Historic size of event channel * **70 ExponentialPower **: ExponentialPower used by weapon damage table * **71 FactionChannelHistoricSize **: size of history for player faction channel * **72 FameAbsoluteMax **: Absolute fame maximum a player can have * **73 FameAbsoluteMin **: Absolute fame minimum a player can have * **74 FameByKill **: Number of fame point lost for a kill * **75 FameMaxDefault **: Default maximum amount of fame (same as neutral max) * **76 FameMaxFyrosvFyros **: Maximum Fame for a Fyros to their own civ * **77 FameMaxFyrosvMatis **: Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Matis civ * **78 FameMaxFyrosvTryker **: Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Tryker civ * **79 FameMaxFyrosvZorai **: Maximum Fame for a Fyros to the Zorai civ * **80 FameMaxKamivKami **: Max fame for a Kami to the Kami cult * **81 FameMaxKamivKaravan **: Max fame for a Kami to the Karavan cult * **82 FameMaxKaravanvKami **: Max fame for a Karavan to the Kami cult * **83 FameMaxKaravanvKaravan **: Max fame for a Karavan to the Karavan cult * **84 FameMaxMatisvFyros **: Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Fyros civ * **85 FameMaxMatisvMatis **: Maximum Fame for a Matis to their own civ * **86 FameMaxMatisvTryker **: Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Tryker civ * **87 FameMaxMatisvZorai **: Maximum Fame for a Matis to the Zorai civ * **88 FameMaxNeutralvFyros **: Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Fyros civ * **89 FameMaxNeutralvKami **: Max fame for a neutral to the Kami cult * **90 FameMaxNeutralvKaravan **: Max fame for a neutral to the Karavan cult * **91 FameMaxNeutralvMatis **: Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Matis civ * **92 FameMaxNeutralvTryker **: Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Tryker civ * **93 FameMaxNeutralvZorai **: Maximum Fame for a neutral to the Zorai civ * **94 FameMaxTrykervFyros **: Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Fyros civ * **95 FameMaxTrykervMatis **: Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Matis civ * **96 FameMaxTrykervTryker **: Maximum Fame for a Tryker to their own civ * **97 FameMaxTrykervZorai **: Maximum Fame for a Tryker to the Zorai civ * **98 FameMaxZoraivFyros **: Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Fyros civ * **99 FameMaxZoraivMatis **: Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Matis civ * **100 FameMaxZoraivTryker **: Maximum Fame for a Zorai to the Tryker civ * **101 FameMaxZoraivZorai **: Maximum Fame for a Zorai to their own civ * **102 FameMemoryInterpolation **: Guild fame interpolation time in ticks * **103 FameMinToDeclare **: Minimum level of fame needed to declare membership to a clan * **104 FameMinToKOS **: Minimum fame needed to not be KOS to a clan * **105 FameMinToRemain **: Minimum fame needed to remain as a member of a clan * **106 FameMinToTrade **: Minimum fame needed to trade with a clan * **107 FameStartFyrosvFyros **: Starting fame of a Fyros to their own civ * **108 FameStartFyrosvKami **: Starting fame of a Fyros to the Kami cult * **109 FameStartFyrosvKaravan **: Starting fame of a Fyros to the Karavan cult * **110 FameStartFyrosvMatis **: Starting fame of a Fyros to the Matis civ * **111 FameStartFyrosvTryker **: Starting fame of a Fyros to the Tryker civ * **112 FameStartFyrosvZorai **: Starting fame of a Fyros to the Zorai civ * **113 FameStartMatisvFyros **: Starting fame of a Matis to the Fyros civ * **114 FameStartMatisvKami **: Starting fame of a Matis to the Kami cult * **115 FameStartMatisvKaravan **: Starting fame of a Matis to the Karavan cult * **116 FameStartMatisvMatis **: Starting fame of a Matis to their own civ * **117 FameStartMatisvTryker **: Starting fame of a Matis to the Tryker civ * **118 FameStartMatisvZorai **: Starting fame of a Matis to the Zorai civ * **119 FameStartTrykervFyros **: Starting fame of a Tryker to the Fyros civ * **120 FameStartTrykervKami **: Starting fame of a Tryker to the Kami cult * **121 FameStartTrykervKaravan **: Starting fame of a Tryker to the Karavan cult * **122 FameStartTrykervMatis **: Starting fame of a Tryker to the Matis civ * **123 FameStartTrykervTryker **: Starting fame of a Tryker to their own civ * **124 FameStartTrykervZorai **: Starting fame of a Tryker to the Zorai civ * **125 FameStartZoraivFyros **: Starting fame of a Zorai to the Fyros civ * **126 FameStartZoraivKami **: Starting fame of a Zorai to the Kami cult * **127 FameStartZoraivKaravan **: Starting fame of a Zorai to the Karavan cult * **128 FameStartZoraivMatis **: Starting fame of a Zorai to the Matis civ * **129 FameStartZoraivTryker **: Starting fame of a Zorai to the Tryker civ * **130 FameStartZoraivZorai **: Starting fame of a Zorai to their own civ * **131 FameTrendResetDelay **: Guild fame trend reset delay in ticks * **132 FameWarningLevel **: Level at which a player is notified that their fame is getting too low * **133 FightAreaEffectOn **: Are effect for fight are active if variable = true * **134 FirstUser **: First user id used for Monkey player * **135 FixedSessionId **: For a mainland shard, the session id * **136 ForageAngle **: * **137 ForageCareBeginZone **: * **138 ForageCareFactor **: Factor for care delta * **139 ForageCareSpeed **: Speed of care action in action/tick * **140 ForageChaScore **4AutoRegenRatio: Ratio of auto-regen of ChaScore4 after an extraction * **141 ForageChaScore **4RatioOfLocateDeposit: * **142 ForageDebug **: Debug mode for forage phrases (0=normal 2=ChaScore4Only 5=ChaScore4+skill 7=prospectionWithVariables 10=fullCheat) * **143 ForageExplosionDamage **: Max ChaScore1 hit once by a forage explosion * **144 ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecFactor **: Ecosystem specialization reduces harmfulness * **145 ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecMax **: Ecosystem specialization reduces harmfulness * **146 ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecFactor **: Material specialization reduces harmfulness * **147 ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecMax **: Material specialization reduces harmfulness * **148 ForageExtractionCareEcoSpecFactor **: Ecosystem specialization raises care * **149 ForageExtractionCareMatSpecFactor **: Material specialization raises care * **150 ForageExtractionNastyEventXPMalusRatio **: * **151 ForageExtractionNaturalDDeltaPerTick **: D increase per tick * **152 ForageExtractionNaturalEDeltaPerTick **: E increase per tick * **153 ForageExtractionNbParticipantsXPBonusRatio **: * **154 ForageExtractionTimeMinGC **: Minimum time of extraction in ticks * **155 ForageExtractionTimeSlopeGC **: Slope of base extraction time curve * **156 ForageExtractionXPFactor **: * **157 ForageForceImpactScheme **: * **158 ForageForcedDaycycle **: -1=Use real day cycle, 0=Day/Dawn, 1=Day/Day, 2=Day/Evening, 3=Night/Nightfall, 4=Night/Night * **159 ForageForcedSeason **: -1=Use real season, 0=Spring, ..., 3=Winter * **160 ForageForcedWeather **: -1=Use real weather, 0=Best, ..., 3=Worst * **161 ForageKamiAngerDecreasePerHour **: Level of kami anger automatically decreased per hour (10x3600 gamecycles) * **162 ForageKamiAngerOverride **: Force all deposits to the specified kami anger level (debug option) * **163 ForageKamiAngerThreshold **1: Threshold 1 of kami anger level (ForageKamiAngerThreshold1) * **165 ForageKamiOfferingSpeed **: Speed of offering action in action/tick * **166 ForageKamiPunishDamage **: Max ChaScore1 hit once by an angry (invisible) kami * **167 ForageLevel **: * **168 ForageLocateDepositUpdateFrequency **: update frequency of locate deposit effect * **169 ForageMinimumRatioRmAreaInDeposit **: * **170 ForageProspectionXPBonusRatio **: * **171 ForageQualityCeilingClamp **: Prevent to go past the ceiling * **172 ForageQualityCeilingFactor **: Factor for ceiling of quality growth * **173 ForageQualityImpactFactor **: Factor for extraction impact * **174 ForageQualitySlowFactor **: Factor for slowness of quality growth * **175 ForageQualitySlowFactorDeltaLevelRatio **: Each delta between quality level in extraction action and player's level slows the quality raising from this amount * **176 ForageQualitySlowFactorMatSpecRatio **: Material specialization in extraction speeds up the quality raising from this amount * **177 ForageQualitySlowFactorQualityLevelRatio **: Each quality level in extraction action slows the quality raising from this amount * **178 ForageQuantityBaseRate **: Base of extraction rate * **179 ForageQuantityBrick **1: * **180 ForageQuantityBrick **10: * **181 ForageQuantityBrick **11: * **182 ForageQuantityBrick **12: * **183 ForageQuantityBrick **2: * **184 ForageQuantityBrick **3: * **185 ForageQuantityBrick **4: * **186 ForageQuantityBrick **5: * **187 ForageQuantityBrick **6: * **188 ForageQuantityBrick **7: * **189 ForageQuantityBrick **8: * **190 ForageQuantityBrick **9: * **191 ForageQuantityImpactFactor **: Factor for extraction impact * **192 ForageQuantitySlowFactor **: Factor for slowness of quantity growth * **193 ForageQuantityXPDeltaLevelBonusRate **: Delta level increase per qtty unit (except 1st one) * **194 ForageRange **: * **195 ForageReduceDamageTimeWindow **: Time in tick before a blowing up when Reduce Damage actions are taken into account * **196 ForageSiteNbUpdatesToLive **: Number of deposit updates before a forage site stock is reset * **197 ForageSiteRadius **: Radius of foage site area * **198 ForageSiteStock **: Number of extractions before a forage site is empty * **199 ForageSourceSpawnDelay **: Time (ticks) between end of prospection & spawning the source(s) * **200 ForageSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the ForageSystem * **201 ForageToolWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for ForageTool (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **202 ForageValidateSourcesSpawnPos **: If true, the AIS checks all source spawn positions * **203 ForceAbsorption **: * **204 ForceQuarteringRight **: Allow anyone to quarter a dead creature * **205 FreeTrialSkillLimit **: Level limit for characters belonging to free trial accounts * **206 GMChannelHistoricSize **: historic size of a gm channel * **207 GameEventFile **: game event file holding all g.e. stuff * **208 GlobalDebugDamageFactor **: global damage factor (debug only) * **209 GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor **: this factor is applied to all faction point prices * **210 GuildChargeSavePeriod **: * **211 GuildCreationCost **: * **212 GuildMaxMemberCount **: * **213 GuildMaxOutpostCount **: max number of outposts per guild * **214 GuildSavePeriod **: * **215 GuildSavingPeriod **: guild saving period in ticks * **216 GuildSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the GuildSystem * **217 HandToHandDamage **: damage factor when fighting without weapons * **218 HandToHandLatency **: attacks latency *in ticks* when fighting without a weapon * **219 HandToHandReachValue **: reach value (~allonge) when fighting without a weapon * **220 HarvestAreaEffectOn **: Are effect for harvest (toxic cloud) are active if variable = true * **221 HarvestSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the HarvestSystem * **222 HitArmsSlowDuration **: duration (in seconds) of a slow attack when hit to arms * **223 HitArmsSlowFactor **: slowing factor when hit to arms (+20 = +20% to attack latency) * **224 HitChestChaScore **2LossFactor: factor of damage also lost in ChaScore2 when hit to chest * **225 HitFeetDebuffDuration **: duration in seconds of dodge debuff when hit to feet * **226 HitFeetDebuffValue **: value of skills dodge when hit to hands * **227 HitHandsDebuffDuration **: duration in seconds of skills debuff when hit to hands * **228 HitHandsDebuffValue **: value of skills debuff when hit to hands * **229 HitHeadStunDuration **: duration (in seconds) of a stun when hit to head * **230 HitLegsSlowDuration **: duration (in seconds) of a slow move when hit to legs * **231 HitLegsSlowFactor **: slowing factor when hit to legs (-20 = -20% to move speed) * **232 HominBaseProtection **: Homin base protection against magic common damage (cold, acid, rot) * **233 HominRacialProtection **: Homin base protection against magic racial damage (Fire, Poison, Shockwave, Electricity) * **234 HominRacialResistance **: Homin base resistance against magic racial spell type * **235 IntangibleTimeAfterTP **: intangible time after a teleport or a respawn (in ticks) * **236 ItemPriceCoeff **0: polynom coeff of degree 0 in the price formula * **237 ItemPriceCoeff **1: polynom coeff of degree 1 in the price formula * **238 ItemPriceCoeff **2: polynom coeff of degree 2 in the price formula * **239 ItemPriceFactor **: factor to apply on non raw material items to compute their price * **240 JewelryWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Jewels (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **241 KillAttribMinFactor **: min fraction of the total damage done on a creature that a group/player must do to be attributed a kill * **242 LastUser **: Last user id used for Monkey player * **243 LauncherWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Launcher (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **244 LoadMax **: Max Monkey player * **245 LoadOutposts **: If false outposts won't be loaded * **246 LoadPVPFreeZones **: If true PVP free zones will be loaded * **247 LoadPVPGuildZones **: If true PVP guild zones will be loaded * **248 LoadPVPVersusZones **: If true PVP versus zones will be loaded * **249 LootMoneyAmountPerXPLevel **: Amount of money to earn when looting, per XPLevel of the looted NPC * **250 MaceWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Mace (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **251 MagicAreaEffectOn **: Are effect for magic are active if variable = true * **252 MagicResistFactorForCombatSkills **: factor on combat skill level to get equivalent magic resist level * **253 MagicResistFactorForForageSkills **: factor on forage skill level to get equivalent magic resist level * **254 MagicResistFactorForMagicSkills **: factor on magic skill level to get equivalent magic resist level * **255 MagicResistSkillDelta **: value always added to player base magic resist * **256 MagicSkillStartValue **: Minimum magic skill used for break cast and resist tests * **257 MagicianStaffWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for MagicianStaff (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **258 MaxAbsorptionFactor **: Maximum magic damage absorption factor, 100 = factor 1.0f, base absorption is sum of jewel level * **259 MaxAngleForRangeCombat **: Max angle in Radians between player heading and target position to validate range combat * **260 MaxAreaTargetCount **: maximum number of target in an area effect spell/missile * **261 MaxCharacteristicValue **: Max value for player's characteristics * **262 MaxDisconnectTimeForQueue **: max time a player can stay disconnected wihtout being removed from it's mission queues, in seconds (default = 1 week) * **263 MaxDistanceForPVPPointsGain **: max distance from PvP combat to gain PvP points (faction and HoF points) from team PvP kills (in meters) * **264 MaxDistanceForXpGain **: max distance from combat to gain Xp at creature death (in meters) * **265 MaxDistanceGooDamage **: the maximum distance when character take damage from goo path * **266 MaxEnterCriticalAnswerTime **: time the player has to answer to the server request about entering a mission critical ppart, in ticks (default = 60 s) * **267 MaxFamePriceVariation **: maximum price variation ( in absolute value ) that can be due to fame * **268 MaxFameToTrade **: maximum fame value taken in account in trade * **269 MaxGameCycleSaleStore **: maximum time game cycle an item stay in sale store before been destroyed * **270 MaxGooDamageRatio **: the factor applied goo damage for calculate effective goo damage (distance = 0 - 100% * ratio * base ChaScore1 = damages) * **271 MaxLevelNpcItemInStore **: Maximum level for item solded by NPC * **272 MaxMagicProtection **: Maximum protection a character can have against a magic damage * **273 MaxMagicResistanceBonus **: Max bonus resistance against magic spell type * **274 MaxNPCRawMaterialQualityInSell **: maximum quality of raw material selled by NPC * **275 MaxNoRentDisconnectedTime **: Number of minutes of log off time after no rent item are deleted * **276 MaxPVPDeltaLevel **: maximum delta level used to compute the faction points gain * **277 MaxPlayerBulk **: Maximum bulk a player can have on him * **278 MaxXPGainPerPlayer **: Max XP gain by any one player on any creature (each team member can gain up to this value) * **279 MessageOfTheDay **: Message of the day sended at new connected player * **280 MinDamage **: Min damage (when skill 0), used by weapon damage table * **281 MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding **: Minimum Fame To Buy a Guild Building * **282 MinFameToBuyPlayerBuilding **: Minimum Fame To Buy a Player Building * **283 MinFameToTrade **: minimum fame value taken in account in trade * **284 MinPVPDeltaLevel **: minimum delta level used to compute the faction points gain * **285 MinSleepingTime **: min 'sleeping' time, the duration after which a player who has set himself to sleep mode cannot awake. in seconds (default = 2 min) * **286 MinTwoWeaponsLatency **: Min attack latency (in ticks) when using 2 weapons * **287 MissionForcedSeason **: -1=Use real season, 0=Spring, ..., 3=Winter * **288 MissionForcedTime **: -1=Use real ryzom time, [0, 24[=fake time for missions (e.g. 16.5 for 16:30) * **289 MissionPrerequisitsEnabled **: Activate the checking of pre requisits for mission * **290 MissionQueueFile **: file holding all mission queues stuff * **291 MissionQueueSavePeriod **: interval between saves in ticks (default = 90s) * **292 MissionSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the MissionSystem * **293 ModPerSupernumeraryOpponent **: modifier on defense (parry/dodge) per opponent after 'n' * **294 MonkeyLoadEnable **: 1 enabling fixed sequence monkey simulation, 2 enabling random sequence monkey simulation, 3 restart Monkey 2/ 0 disabling the Monkey Load simulation * **295 MonoMissionTimout **: default timout of mono mission * **296 MountDuration **: delay in ticks between mount order and player really mounted on creature * **297 NBLoginStats **: Nb logins stats kept (logon time, logoff time * **298 NBMaxItemNpcSellDisplay **: NB max item can be displayed for npc item list selled * **299 NBMaxItemPlayerSellDisplay **: NB max item can be displayed for player item list selled * **300 NBMaxItemYoursSellDisplay **: NB max item can be displayed for your item list selled * **301 NBMeanCraftRawMaterials **: Mean of raw material used for craft an item, it's used for scale xp win when crafting an item with effective raw material used * **302 NBTickForGooDamageRate **: nb tick needed for apply goo damage again * **303 NBTickForNewbieGooDamageRate **: nb tick needed for apply goo damage again in newbieland * **304 NbEventsToProcessInTimerManagerUpdate **: * **305 NbNpcMissionGiverDescQueriesAll **: Counted for all requested NPCs * **306 NbNpcMissionGiverDescQueriesHavingMissions **: Counted for NPCs having missions only * **307 NbOpponentsBeforeMalus **: number of opponent one can handle without defense malus * **308 NbProcessedEventInTimerManagerUpdate **: * **309 NbTickForRegenCreature **: nb tick needed for regenerate scores of all creature (total creature / number regenerated per tick) * **310 NbTotemPointToBuild **: Number of points in the faction pool needed to build a totem * **311 NewbieGooDamageFactor **: percentage of life lost at maximum from goo in newbieland * **312 NoLinkSurvivalAddTime **: add some time to dead links * **313 NoLinkTimeBlind **: add some time to dead Blind links * **314 NoLinkTimeDot **: add some time to dead Dot links * **315 NoLinkTimeFear **: add some time to dead Fear links * **316 NoLinkTimeMadness **: add some time to dead Madness links * **317 NoLinkTimeRoot **: add some time to dead Root links * **318 NoLinkTimeSleep **: add some time to dead Sleep links * **319 NoLinkTimeSlow **: add some time to dead Slow links * **320 NoLinkTimeSnare **: add some time to dead Snare links * **321 NoLinkTimeStun **: add some time to dead Stun links * **322 NumberDayFactorGuildNeedForChallengeOutpost **: Nombre de 'level outpost / factor' jours d'existance que la guilde doit avoir pour pouvoir challenger un outpost * **323 NumberDaysMinusOutpostLevelForChallenge **: Number to substract from outpost level to get oldness required to challenge an outpost * **324 OupostPowerRadius **: Radius of an outpost power in meters * **325 OutpostClientTimersUpdatePeriod **: period in seconds between 2 updates of outpost timers on clients * **326 OutpostDrillerTimeUnit **: Production time of mp in the driller (in seconds) * **327 OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay **: delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent * **328 OutpostFightRoundCount **: number of rounds in an outpost fight * **329 OutpostFightRoundTime **: time of a round in an outpost fight, in seconds * **330 OutpostJoinPvpTimer **: Max time the player has to answer the JoinPvp Window, in seconds * **331 OutpostLeavePeriod **: time duration before a user who has left outpost zone looses his pvp flag * **332 OutpostLevelDecrementTime **: time to decrement an outpost level in seconds (in peace time) * **333 OutpostPowerDuration **: duration of outpost powers in ticks * **334 OutpostRangeForCancelOnReset **: Time range before next attack period in which a service reboot will cancel the challenge * **335 OutpostSavingPeriod **: Save period of outposts in ticks (1 outpost saved at a time) * **336 OutpostStateTimeOverride **: Each state can be set to a shorter time in seconds, 0 means default computed value * **337 OutpostUpdatePeriod **: Period in ticks between 2 updates of the same outpost * **338 PVPActionTimer **: time duration of pvp action flag, each time a character made a pvp action, corresponding flag is true during this timer * **339 PVPFactionPointBase **: it is the base used in faction point gain formula * **340 PVPFactionPointLossFactor **: in faction PvP the killed players loses the faction points gained per killer multiplied by this factor * **341 PVPFameRequired **: Minimum of positive or negative fame for PVP * **342 PVPHoFPointBase **: it is the base used in HoF point gain formula * **343 PVPHoFPointLossFactor **: in faction PvP the killed players loses the HoF points gained per killer multiplied by this factor * **344 PVPMagicDamageFactor **: Factor applied on Magic Damage in PVP * **345 PVPMeleeCombatDamageFactor **: Factor applied on Melee Damage in PVP * **346 PVPRangeCombatDamageFactor **: Factor applied on Range Damage in PVP * **347 PVPTeamMemberDivisorValue **: for team PvP progression add this value to the faction points divisor for each team member above one * **348 PVPZoneEnterBufferTime **: duration in ticks of the time buffer triggered when someone enters a PVP zone * **349 PVPZoneLeaveBufferTime **: duration in ticks of the time buffer triggered when someone leaves a PVP zone * **350 PVPZoneWarningRepeatTime **: duration in ticks used to repeat warnings of PVP zones * **351 PVPZoneWarningRepeatTimeL **: duration in ticks used to repeat warnings of PVP zones for time left is more than one minute * **352 PVPZoneWithDeathPenalty **: if true a player killed by another player in a PVP zone will have a death penalty * **353 PackAnimalSystemEnabled **: bool enabling /disabling the PackAnimalSystem * **354 PhysicalCharacteristicsBaseValue **: Physical characteristic base value used to compute base score value * **355 PhysicalCharacteristicsFactor **: Factor used to compute base score value from characteristic value * **356 PikeWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Pike (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **357 PistolWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Pistol (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **358 PlayerChannelHistoricSize **: historic size of a player channel * **359 PostCastLatency **: add some post cast time to magic (latency in ticks) * **360 QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss **5: Control the quantity of quartered material of normal creatures '5' and '8' * **361 QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss **7: Control the quantity of quartered material of normal creatures '7' * **362 QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftCarnivore **: Control the global quantity in quartering for craft RMs of carnivores * **363 QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftHerbivore **: Control the global quantity in quartering for craft RMs of herbivores (H/B/P) * **364 QuarteringQuantityAverageForMissions **: Control the global quantity in quartering for mission RMs * **365 QuarteringQuantityForInvasion **5: Control the quantity of quartered invasion material of creatures '5' * **366 QuarteringQuantityForInvasion **7: Control the quantity of quartered invasion material of creatures '7' * **367 RechargeMoneyFactor **: factor to apply on a recharge spell sabrina cost to get the cost in money * **368 ReferenceLatencyForWear **: latency used as reference for weapon wear, a weapon with this latency will have a wear factor of 1.0 * **369 RegenDivisor **: Divisor used for compute regenerate per seconde in repos (divide characteristics per divisor) * **370 RegenOffset **: Regen offset * **371 RegenReposFactor **: Divisor used for compute regenerate per seconde in action (regen repos / factor) * **372 ResPawnPVPInSameRegionForbiden **: When character dead in PvP Faction, it can't respawn in same same region of it's death * **373 ResistIncreaseAcid **: value added to Acid resist each time a Acid spell is cast on an entity * **374 ResistIncreaseBlind **: value added to Blind resist each time a Blind spell is cast on an entity * **375 ResistIncreaseCold **: value added to Cold resist each time a Cold spell is cast on an entity * **376 ResistIncreaseElectricity **: value added to Electricity resist each time a Electricity spell is cast on an entity * **377 ResistIncreaseFear **: value added to Fear resist each time a Fear spell is cast on an entity * **378 ResistIncreaseFire **: value added to Fire resist each time a Fire spell is cast on an entity * **379 ResistIncreaseMadness **: value added to Madness resist each time a Madness spell is cast on an entity * **380 ResistIncreasePoison **: value added to Poison resist each time a Poison spell is cast on an entity * **381 ResistIncreaseRoot **: value added to Root resist each time a Root spell is cast on an entity * **382 ResistIncreaseRot **: value added to Rot resist each time a Rot spell is cast on an entity * **383 ResistIncreaseShockwave **: value added to Shockwave resist each time a Shockwave spell is cast on an entity * **384 ResistIncreaseSleep **: value added to Sleep resist each time a Sleep spell is cast on an entity * **385 ResistIncreaseSlow **: value added to Slow resist each time a Slow spell is cast on an entity * **386 ResistIncreaseSnare **: value added to Snare resist each time a Snare spell is cast on an entity * **387 ResistIncreaseStun **: value added to Stun resist each time a Stun spell is cast on an entity * **388 RifleWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Rifle (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **389 ShieldWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Shield (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **390 ShieldingRadius **: effective radius of the 'shielding' power * **391 SkillCraftValueLimiter **: Skill value limit * **392 SkillFightValueLimiter **: Skill value limit * **393 SkillHarvestValueLimiter **: Skill value limit * **394 SkillMagicValueLimiter **: Skill value limit * **395 SmoothingFactor **: SmoothingFactor used by weapon damage table * **396 SpawnedDeadMektoubDelay **: nb tick before a dead mektoub despawn) * **397 SpearWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Spear (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **398 StaffWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Staff (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **399 StatDBSavePeriod **: stat database save period in ticks * **400 StoreSavePeriod **: sell store save period in ticks * **401 SwordWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for Sword (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **402 TeleportSellFactor **: factor to apply on teleport price to get the price a user can buy them * **403 TickFrequencyCompassUpdate **: Min time in tick between 2 updates of mission compass of a character * **404 TickFrequencyNpcControlUpdate **: Min time in tick between 2 updates of udate of npc control * **405 TimeBeforeDisconnection **: delai during character stay in game after a disconnection for prevent logoff exploit * **406 TimeForPVPFlagOff **: time before pvp flag return to off become effective (in game cycle) * **407 TimeForResetPVPFlag **: minimal time before reset pvp flag (in game cycle) * **408 TimeForSetPVPFlag **: time before set pvp flag become effective (in game cycle) * **409 TimeWithoutPointForSamePVPKill **: players will not get any point for the same PvP kill for this time in seconds * **410 TotalNbItemsForSale **: Total number of items for sale (read-only) * **411 TotemBuildTime **: Time needed to build a spire (in ticks) * **412 TotemRebuildWait **: Time to wait to rebuild a spire (in ticks) * **413 ToxicCloudDamage **: Max ChaScore1 hit by a toxic cloud at ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency * **414 ToxicCloudUpdateFrequency **: update frequency of toxic cloud damaging (in ticks) * **415 TriggerRequestTimout **: * **416 TwoHandAxeWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandAxe (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **417 TwoHandMaceWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandMace (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **418 TwoHandSwordWearPerAction **: define the 'wear per action' for TwoHandSword (1.0 = -1 HP for each action) * **419 UnmountDuration **: delay in ticks between unmount order and player really unmounted from creature * **420 UpdatePeriodBlind **: update period of Blind link spells * **421 UpdatePeriodDot **: update period of Dot link spells * **422 UpdatePeriodFear **: update period of Fear link spells * **423 UpdatePeriodMadness **: update period of Madness link spells * **424 UpdatePeriodRoot **: update period of Root link spells * **425 UpdatePeriodSleep **: update period of Sleep link spells * **426 UpdatePeriodSlow **: update period of Slow link spells * **427 UpdatePeriodSnare **: update period of Snare link spells * **428 UpdatePeriodStun **: update period of Stun link spells * **429 UseAsyncBSPlayerLoading **: Use BS for Asynchrone player loading * **430 UseFemaleTitles **: Use female titles when character is a female character * **431 UseNewNewbieLandStartingPoint **: set if create new character start at new noobland or old * **432 UseOutpostExploitFix **: set true to enable outpost exploit fix * **433 UseProxyMoneyForOutpostCosts **: If true outpost costs can be paid by player issuing command if guild has not enough money * **434 VerboseCDBGroup **: Flag to enable or dissable verbose logging in cdb_group.cpp * **435 VerboseFactionPoint **: set if faction point system is verbose or not * **436 VerboseMissions **: Logging of mission parsing/event (0/1) * **437 VerboseQuartering **: * **438 VerboseShopParsing **: activate verbose mode for shop category parsing * **439 VerboseWorldInstance **: world instance activity verbose * **440 WearMalusCraftFactor **: Factor for apply wear penalty to craft * **441 WornState **1 : define the 'WornState1' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp) * **442 WornState **2 : define the 'WornState2' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp) * **443 WornState **3 : define the 'WornState3' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp) * **444 WornState **4 : define the 'WornState4' for items (0.2 = 20% of hp) * **445 XPTeamMemberDivisorValue **: for team XP progression, add this value to the xp divisor for each team member above one * **446 convertToPdr **: Load all possible characters from xml/bin save format and save to pds format {{tag>Tag_to_add}}