Logo Khaganat
Translations of this page?:

What can i do ?

If you are asking yourself the question, you are in the right place.

All the task of the Khaganat should be listed here. During your discover of the website and the game do not hesistate to add what you think is in need of works !

The tasks are organised following a hierarchy, from the smallest to the biggest. For exemple to do the MMORPG part, there is the Graphism in subtasks, and in subtasks of this subtasks there is things like Celestial body. This hierarchy can be also find in the architecture of this wiki. Fir this exemple in particulare, it's look like : MMORPG/graphism/celestialbody or in the adress bar : en:taf:mmorpg:graphism:celestialbody.

Do not forget to tag each task with “status:To_Do”, “status:In_Progress” or “status:Finish” to know where there is still work to do !

All this is give at an exemple, for the moment almost all the tasks and links are in french, still in need of translation for english… Be patient it's comming! Do not hesitate to go on the forum for more information or ask us directly on the chat.

Actually spotlight tasks

An “easy” list of tasks wich are not asking particular skills :

And some backgroung tasks :

CC-BY-SA Ali Karimian

Tasks to do

The complete list is on this page. You can only list the tasks to do of a subset with this syntax on a page :


Replace “ns1” by the identifier in the adress bar of the whole, for exemple fr:taf:mmorpg, which will list all the tasks about the MMORPG.

Tasks in progress

The complete list is on this page. You can only list the tasks to do of a subset with this syntax on a page :


Replace “ns1” by the identifier in the adress bar of the whole, for exemple fr:taf:mmorpg, which will list all the tasks about the MMORPG.

Tasks per capita

The list 1) is on this page. If you are ready to participe, add your name in this page to find easily what you're following, or on what you're working. To make it works, of course, you need beforehand to add your name in the tags of the concern tasks.

not necessarily complete, for the moment
CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International Driven by DokuWiki
en/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/03 19:18 by

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