====== var_npc ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. ===== Properties ===== **name :** Variable name only used by the mission designer. **npc_function :** (optional) Actual function (if any) of the npc entity in the related primitive. **npc_name :** Actual name of the npc entity in the related primitive. **var_name :** Variable tag to be used in the script with this nomenclature ''$$''. You can also specify the following suffixes: * **fullname :** return the full name of the npc, i.e. the name and the function surrounded with $ * **function :** return the function of the npc. e.g.: \\ ''$the_var_name.fullname$'' will be expanded as ''npcName$function_name$'' {{tag>primitives ryzom_core}}