====== recv_item ====== Function used in [[en:primitive:mission:start|mission creation]]. ===== Properties ===== **name:** Action name, only used by the mission designer. **npc_name (Optional):** Giver NPC tag name. **group (Boolean):** Allows to give items to the whole group at the same time. **Item/quantity/quality:** Array containing given item description. See [[en:primitive:mission:item_guidelines|item_guidelines]] for the formatting requirements. **guild (Boolean):** This parameter is only for guild missions. If it is set to true the action is done for the guild (not for the players that completed the mission). ===== Default variables ===== **npc_name (bot):** ''$b$'' **item_type (item):** ''$i$'' **item_quantity (int):** ''$qt$'' **item_quality (int):** ''$qual$'' {{tag>primitives ryzom_core}}