====== Model: Fauna ====== A picture is always nice, even when it's imperfect. ===== Description ===== Explain what the bug looks like, its particularities. ===== Biotope ===== ==== Zone and Climate ==== * (Aerial/Ground/Aquatic/Underground) * (Cold/Warm/Dry/Wet) ==== Known mutations ==== Referencing the various known subspecies: different morphological characteristics. Insert images of the mutations if possible. ===== Diet ===== This is the "Enumeration" of the diet(of the species) in the form of "URLs" to create links between the pages. * Carnivore: which animals? * Herbivore : which grazed plants ? * Frugivore: can be very specific diets * omnivore: anything the beast can eat ===== Predators ===== Who eats them? What does threaten them? ===== Reproduction, social life ===== How does the species multiply? One small or both large? The relationship from studies? Solitary or in a herd, maybe in a pack? What is the relationship between the different sexes? ===== Cohabitation ===== Is the species hunted? Exploited for agricultural purposes or domesticated for transport? ===== Notes of scientific observations ===== Text and notes of various observations. {{tag>Modèles Faune}}